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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  August 7, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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kids here now is getting asthma from this that doesn't have it before so there is chemicals in the air just not good for them. >> kaiser treated almost 350 people with problems related to the fire. >> just some problems reaching everyone and there are areas hardest hit where people were told to shelter in place. and we're live with that start part of the story. >> those vast majority of the people we talked to said that they're notified and this system didn't work for everyone. this is one of the closest neighborhoods to the chevron refinery. there are residents saying it
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worked as it's meant to. >> and stay inside. close windows. turn off vents. put towels under the door. >> and rachael was working in a pizza shop nearby. >> this is when we closed doors and windows. my boss said stay inside. i'm scared. >> this chief says 18,000 people were notified. >> this can push a button for these different mechanisms. that is within seconds so that there is a level three type to shelter in place. >> and there he says about half a dozen people in the community complained that
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their alert box, notifying them in their language did not work. >> and there are for several, box dz not work. so they didn't receive calls. >> did they get sick? >> complaining about dizziness. >> there is me, my husband in the house we closed doors and windows and did whatever they advised me to do. and we just looked at the smoke right here. >> this didn't work? >> and. >> this health department says the agency is looking into this. and there has been in place only about seven years so they don't know what happened and there is some saying they want
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answers. >> and the fire not only sent thousands of people running for cover but snarled public transit. and hire is now the night unfolded. this started at 4:15. workers were responding to a leak in the number four crude unit. and there is 6 thifrt the level has risen. employees initiate emergency procedures calling in their own fire department and ask for assistance from other departments. within minutes the liquid ignites sending flames and smoke into the air. and minutes later the sheriff notified communities adjacent to the refine rism they advised people to make
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recautions and this is to call of rich moond mond and san pablo. residents have been advised to turn off heaters and zpanz cover crack was tape. oak reasoned police issue a community advisory just after 8:00 and urged residents to close windows and doors and turn off air conditioners. and bart stopped all service between z.they opened towards the plaza stations. richmond station remine mains closed. the california patrol sends out a tweet, urging drivers to keep their windows whup passing the area, they also advise there will be no toll collection because toll takers are sheltered in place. the fire is contained. and the threat starts to
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diminish, leading officials to lift the shelter in place order at 11:23. getting the all clear, bart reoops the station. >> and the crisis is not over. firefighters remain on the scene throughout the night keeping the fire in check. chevron refinery has been in richmond 110 years, long before surrounded by a dense urban neighborhood. the refinery produces gas, and jet fuel, and other oil products as well. this is the third serious fire in the past 13 years there was a pipe failure caused and chevron says no unsafe levels were released during that event n march, 1999 a leaking pipe created a vapor cloud that exploded and burned.
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00 neighbors went to the hospital. >> there is a community meeting that will answer concerns of the residents. john alston is at the richmond community center. john? >> and now, shefrl, officials going to begin their relations offensive and less than an hour away people started gathering outside. and it's unknown how many people will show up. and this is a chance for residents to ask questions and vent concerns about what happened among the speakers. and randy sewer, and bill lindsay, richmond city manager already, the mayor of richmond is putting heat on neighbors. >> and there are hundreds of
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people treated. we want chevron to have full transparency of in terms of the cause of this and what is the impact and health. and we really want them to do the right thing. >> the mayor says chevron is repeating not every resident got a robo call alerting them to the fire. and residents protested the plans in the past and they have tangled over property tax assessments. also tonight residents will hear process for filing claims against chevron with regard to medical issues based on the fire last night.
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>> that fire happened after the richmond museum of history was sup poitsed to open a new exhibit about the chevron finery. >> and coming up at 6:00 two hours leading up to the fire seen around the bay. there is a breakdown of how it grew, and how koit have been prevented. and viewers gave us their perspective at the height of it. take a look at the view jeff d sent via you reports. he's a private pilot who flew over the scene. and this came from annac. she took it at the top of daily city. there is a slide show on the front page of our web site. you'll find it on abc 7 >> and stay with us for
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continuing coverage of the fire, we'll have the latest information on our web site. >> and there are scams where a suspect tried to sell a rental car. >> taking a look at treats found with high levels of something that can make you sick. >> and cars turn together road of to celebrate a major milestone today. the news continues in one minute.
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and a shelter in place covered a radius in capitola road to moresy boulevard. it was issued at 10:00 this morning when crews broke through the lane.
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and and the homes on la fonda were evacuated. and shelter in place was lifted this afternoon. >> and san jose police officers are giving up, members of the association decided against taking a vote of no confidence. union leaders say the vote would have been unnecessary distraction for more pressing issues. >> i'm hopeful that maybe we'll see a little bit more back bone out of them. and step up and get the message out to the community and citizens hue fire our situation is, how fire it's becoming. >> union officials say this should not be viewed as support for leadership or city council. and says he understands
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frustrations and pledged to try to communicate the way he fights for them. >> san francisco police chief heard from an angry family member of a man shot by officers over this past weekend by one officer. listen. >> why did they shoot him three times? he did not shoot them. why did they shoot him three times? >> there is stepmother and father met this morning and police say they were chasing him when the suspect pulled a gun, pointing it at police. an officer fired and hit cooper in the arm, foot, and lower back. >> we do not shoot fleeing felons in the san francisco police department. he had fallen, stopped as he's getting up from the ground he turned to the officer to shoot over his left shoulder. >> police say cooper had a loaded 9 mm pistol and is a
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wanted felon. the chief met with the father of the suspect to talk about that. >> and a transient is in jail in what police say was a scam involving a rental car, authorities say the 59-year-old post aid car for sale on craig's list. he receive aid $500 cash deposit from a couple and agreed to meet them. the couple became suspicious, investigating and determined that he rent that had car he was trying to sell from hertz. officers posing as buyers casted him, setting up another meeting. he was arrested. >> and there is testing by a group found led levels in plum and ginger candies up to 100 times the limit. >> michael finney joins with us the warning. >> yeah. i've reported over the years about lead and toys and school products. and it can slow development of
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the brain and be harmful to pregnant women and unborn children but these findings can take concerns to the next level. to food product autos i had those candies before. >> reaction to the warning was swift on the streets of oakland chinatown. there is 14 of 21 candies test add above legal limits established by the state. the center claims one tested is00 times above the limit. >> consider a child or pregnant woman eating this candy. a serving is putting them nearly 100 times over the safety standard. >> to have something children eat have led is unacceptable. >> this comes after officials
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announced a recall of one variety. >> and there are findings in 14 products show it's more wide spread. >> the candies purchased at lucky, 99 ranch market and marinea. marina told us it's pulled candy off the shelves. lucky told us it's no longer being sochld other three did not get back to us and center for environment health filed suit and this is efforts to gain a recall. >> we're recommending people stay away from candies until we can get this taken care of. >> the candies imported from hong kong, china and taiwan. >> this is shocking led can go into candy, and send it out to
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the public. >> i won't put that in my body. >> and researchers don't know how it's getting into the candy but expect it's from part cells in the air or led paint at the factory. and we have a list of the candies tested and the results you can find those on our web site. click on 7 on your side. >> thank you. >> important to note. >> and look outside. it's gorgeous. >> and there is warmer weather in areas today. and numbers down in other areas. we're cranking up the heat. if this is not wampl enough, just wait. skies are clear and there are fairfield, it's 94 degrees so there is a what it looks like
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now. there is fog off the coastline. we're enjoying nice sunny afternoon here. numbers looking like this. 60s coastside. there are 90s inland. this is going to turn into triple digits. warm to hot and there are accu-weather forecast there is this hot air mass shifting and moving west, we're going to see temperatures topping 1 -- 100 degrees inland. going get hot not just here but across sen value tral valley as well. highs from 105-110 degrees, it's summer time. and heading towards east bay it's 76 degrees. and in our inland areas like
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brentwood up to 100 degrees so there is a wide range of conditions and there is some fog, numbers from low 50s to low 60s in antioch. here are the highs for wednesday, san francisco 7 degrees. there is san jose, 85 degrees. there is 89 in nappa. getting up to 99 degrees in you kia. around the monterey bay, 69 in monterey. there are toasty summer pattern. here is the accu-weather forecast. there are mid-60s coast side, once getting rid of the fog
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there are upper 60s to low 70s, low 100s inland. saturday, upper 60s coastside. you'll notice by sunday there are numbers dropping down out of the 100s. there are mid-90s there. it's going to get steamy. >> if you like the heat? >> it's good. >> there is a horse made famous meets up with one of san francisco's finest. >> and back to school shopping underway? michael finney explains why it may be a good idea
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this is some good news for guys. research shows weight training can cut the risk of type ii
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diabetes in men. a study followed 32,000 men over 18 years. and with training and exercise, reducing the risk of diabetes, and using weights can have an impact. it's not certain if that would apply to women but it's worth a try. >> today is the 100th anniversary of a ground break of a road almost all of us have traveled on. el camino real construction began in san bruno. it's now state highway 82 and stretches through 19 cities and officials held a ceremony. a classic car show took place to honor the road. >> and stay with us coming up next a meet up of two famous horses. one with hoofs on broadway here you go little man. [ humming ] [ babbling ]
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the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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coming up expanded kumpbl of the chevron refinery fire, looking into two-hour gap where a drip turned into a major inferno. also month patients no, big deal. training being done in a vir wall world and just clowning around. the bay area performer born into show business takes a look at his boy head, life in the circus. >> two famous horses met on the streets of san francisco today, police stallion named hammer set up on a blind date with a star named joey. this morning at the police scaffold. joey on the right. >> and there is playing in the san francisco kern theater.
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>> that is interesting to have them side by side. >> and that is going to do it for us. welcome to "world news." tonight -- judgment day. the man who shot gabby giffords and killed six others pleads guilty and agrees to spend the rest of his life behind bars. what gabby giffords is saying tonight. into the hot zone. dr. richard besser tonight on the front lines on the battle against one of the most fierce diseases on earth. abc news exclusive. and to catch a thief. this woman is trying to steal a baby from the hospital. how the plot was foiled. and singular sensation. he gave us all those unforgettable songs from "the way we were" to "a chorus line." ♪ every little step she takes tonight, we remember the incomparable marvin hamlisch.
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good evening. we begin tonight with a surprise ending to an american tragedy. with a nation still reeling from two mass shootings in the last month, we learned the fate and heard the words of the man who opened fire at a safeway in tucson nearly two years ago. jared loughner killed six, wounded 13, including congresswoman gabby giffords. today, he pled guilty. that means he won't get the death penalty but will go to prison for life. gabby giffords is weighing in on the decision, and we are learning for the first time how loughner wept for one of his victims and wanted to be executed. abc's dan harris leads us off. >> reporter: we all remember that disturbing mug shot, that twisted grin, the beaming eyes and the youtube video, the burning of the american flag and that rambling tour of the college from which jared lee loughner dropped out.


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